OSP-1492 OXY5 - E625 APS Tail Boom

SKU: OSP-1492

Sale price$40.07CAD


Lynx Heli Innovations is always looking for innovative solutions for better fly performance.

Here we present the NEW APS (Adaptive Proportional Skeleton) Tail System.
Developed initially in 2020 by Rasmus Jakobsen (Denmark), then later finalized with Luca Invernizzi.

Rasmus ran all the simulations needed to determine the best profile, position and hole dimension, in order to reduce air vortex and tail drag.
Many samples were made, changes as well to find the best compromise of efficiency / resistance / noise reduction.

New APS Oxy 5 Tail Boom, not only look beautiful but improve overall tail performance by increasing efficiency.
Joe Herison (USA) suggest the APS name and finally now after over 1 year of test finally available for all who are interested.

Below Rasmus simulation result picture that shows the difference between Oxy 5 standard boom and APS design.

Once more Lynx and Oxy show that the team work and passion delivers the best solution for high performance.


1 x OXY5 APS - E625 Tail Boom

Note: OXY5 Electrical Series Tail Boom - Maximum Main Blade 625mm

Use with:

 OSP-1374 OXY5 - E/N625 Tail Belt
OSP-1375 OXY5 - E625 Tail Push Rod

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